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Marvin Berlinghof
List of publications:
Professur für Nanomaterialcharakterisierung (Streumethoden)
Lehrstuhl für Kristallographie und Strukturphysik (ICSP)
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Understanding and Controlling the Evolution of Nanomorphology and Crystallinity of Organic Bulk-Heterojunction Blends with Solvent Vapor Annealing (2022)
Harreiß C, Langner S, Wu M, Berlinghof M, Rechberger S, Will J, Conroy M, et al.
Journal article
Interface between Water-Solvent Mixtures and a Hydrophobic Surface (2020)
Prihoda A, Will J, Duchstein P, Becit B, Lossin F, Schindler T, Berlinghof M, et al.
Journal article
Real-Time Study on Structure Formation and the Intercalation Process of Polymer: Fullerene Bulk Heterojunction Thin Films (2020)
Kassar T, Berlinghof M, Güldal NS, Schmutzler T, Zontone F, Brandl M, Metwalli E, et al.
Journal article
Crystal-structure of active layers of small molecule organic photovoltaics before and after solvent vapor annealing (2020)
Berlinghof M, Langner S, Harreiß C, Schmidt E, Siris R, Bertram F, Shen C, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Interface Molecular Engineering for Laminated Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells with 80.4% Fill Factor (2019)
Ramírez Quiroz CO, Spyropoulos G, Salvador M, Roch LM, Berlinghof M, Darío Perea J, Forberich K, et al.
Journal article
In Situ and Ex Situ Energy-Filtered Transmission Electron Microscopy Studies on the Nanomorpholgy Evolution of Organic Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells (2019)
Harreiß C, Langner S, Berlinghof M, Rechberger S, Will J, Unruh T, Brabec C, Spiecker E
Journal article, Original article
Flexible sample cell for real-time GISAXS, GIWAXS and XRR: design and construction (2018)
Berlinghof M, Bär C, Haas D, Bertram F, Langner S, Osvet A, Chumakov A, et al.
Journal article
Robot-Based High-Throughput Engineering of Alcoholic Polymer: Fullerene Nanoparticle Inks for an Eco-Friendly Processing of Organic Solar Cells (2018)
Xie C, Tang X, Berlinghof M, Langner S, Chen S, Späth A, Li N, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Improving spray coated organic photodetectors performance by using 1,8-diiodooctane as processing additive (2018)
Montenegro Benavides C, Rechberger S, Spiecker E, Berlinghof M, Unruh T, Biele M, Schmidt O, et al.
Journal article, Original article
In situ characterization methods for evaluating microstructure formation and drying kinetics of solution-processed organic bulk-heterojunction films (2017)
Güldal NS, Kassar T, Berlinghof M, Unruh T, Brabec C
Journal article