Nina Ebel


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Correction: Patient-tailored silicone plug for HeartMate 3™ left ventricular assist device explantation (Journal of Artificial Organs, (2023), 10.1007/s10047-023-01397-w) (2023) Elbayomi M, Tandler R, Ebel N, Schubert DW, Werner S, Kondruweit M, Weyand M, Heim C Journal article, Erratum Patient-tailored silicone plug for HeartMate 3™ left ventricular assist device explantation (2023) Elbayomi M, Tandler R, Ebel N, Schubert DW, Werner S, Kondruweit M, Weyand M, Heim C Journal article Transcutaneous Energy Transfer System for Cardiac-Assist Devices by Use of Inhomogeneous Biocompatible Core Material (2021) Fazeli Khalili H, Kirchner J, Bartunik M, Werner S, Ebel N, Schubert DW, Weyand M, Fischer G Journal article, Original article Tumor Cell-Based Vaccine Generated With High Hydrostatic Pressure Synergizes With Radiotherapy by Generating a Favorable Anti-tumor Immune Microenvironment (2019) Seitz C, Ruckert M, Weiss EM, Utz S, Izydor M, Ebel N, Schlücker E, et al. Journal article, Original article Hydrostatic High Pressure generated Whole Cell Tumor Vaccines in combination with Radiotherapy produce an immunogenic Tumor Microenvironment (2019) Rueckert M, Seitz C, Weiss EM, Utz S, Izydor M, Ebel N, Schlücker E, et al. Conference contribution Patient-Tailored Silicone Plug for HeartMate 3 (TM) Left Ventricular Assist Device Explantation (2019) Heim C, Ebel N, Schubert DW, Werner S, Kondruweit M, Tandler R, Weyand M Conference contribution P22-2-jD Mit hydrostatischem Hochdruck generierte Ganzzell- Tumorvakzine erzeugen in Kombination mit Strahlentherapie ein immunogenes Tumor-Mikromilieu (2019) Rückert M, Seitz C, Deloch L, Weiss EM, Utz S, Izydor M, Ebel N, et al. Conference contribution Developing a Patient Individualized Flexible Silicone Implant using SLS and Vacuum Die Casting (2019) Launhardt M, Ebel N, Kondruweit M, Weyane M, Volk T, Drummer D Conference contribution Developing a patient individualized flexible silicone implant using SLS and vacuum die casting (2019) Launhardt M, Ebel N, Kondruweit M, Weyand M, Volk T, Drummer D Journal article Inductive transcutaneous energy transfer for cardiac assist devices – pushing the limits (2018) Kirchner J, Ebel N, Kinner S, Fischer G, Werner S, Schubert DW, Weyand M Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster