Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Fischer

Picture of Georg Fischer



Honour Awards
Academy memberships
Other Awards

Award year

2022: MedtecLIVE Talent Award (3ter Platz) MedtecLIVE Messe Stuttgart Alexander Schneider, Samuel Zeising, Georg Fische… 2021: Young Scientist Best Paper Award, 1ter Platz (Kleinheubacher Tagung 2021) URSI Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. Angelika Thalmayer, Samuel Zeising, Georg Fischer… 2021: Young Scientist Best Paper Award, 3ter Platz (Kleinheubacher Tagung 2021) URSI Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. Samuel Zeising, Angelika Thalmayer, Georg Fischer… 2021: Metamaterials 2021 - ONR/NSF Student Grants (Office for Naval Research and the National Science Foundation) Organizing committee Metamaterials 2021 Samira Saeedi Saraee, Georg Fischer 2020: Best Paper Award 12th EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies Max Bartunik, Harald Unterweger, Christoph Alexio… 2019: IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint / Sendai Chapters EMC 2019 Student Award IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint / Sendai Chapters Minghui Chen, Daisuke Anzai, Jianqing Wang, Georg… 2019: Best Paper Award, ACM NanoCom 2019 6th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication Max Bartunik, Maximilian Lübke, Harald Unterweger… 2019: IEEE Best Student Paper Award (1st Place) for "Symbol Based Statistical RF Fingerprinting for Fake Base Station Identification" IEEE Czechoslovakia Section at MAREW Arslan Ali, Georg Fischer 2019: Finalist for the IEEE Young Professionals Best Paper Award for "The Phase Noise and Clock Synchronous Carrier Frequency Offset based RF Fingerprinting for the Fake Base Station Detection" IEEE WAMICON Arslan Ali, Georg Fischer 2017: Nominiert für Ars legendi-Fakultätenpreis für exzellente Lehre in den Ingenieurwissenschaften 4ING - Fakultätentage der Ingenieurwissenschaften und der Informatik an Universitäten e.V. Georg Fischer