apl. Prof. Dr. Katrin Singler


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Curriculum Klinische Akut- und Notfallmedizin – Schwerpunkt Innere Medizin: Empfehlung zu Weiterbildungsinhalten der Inneren Medizin in der Notaufnahme (2024) Busch HJ, Wolfrum S, Michels G, Baumgärtel M, Bodmann KF, Buerke M, Burst V, et al. Journal article Sarcopenia: Diagnosis and management in general practice Sarkopenie: Von der Diagnose zur Therapie in der Hausarztpraxis (2023) Habboub B, Speer R, Singler K, Gosch M Journal article, Review article Effectiveness of multi-professional educational interventions to train Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) – a Systematic Review (2023) Lindner-Rabl S, Singler K, Polidori MC, Herzog C, Antoniadou E, Seinost G, Roller-Wirnsberger R Journal article Does art therapy promote the experience of Flow? Evaluation of an intervention project to reduce the stress level perceived and improve the mood (2023) del Palacio Lorenzo A, Masuch J, Brons S, Antwerpen L, Gosch M, Singler K Journal article PAINT I: the effect of art therapy in preventing and managing delirium among hospitalized older adults in the PAINT I study—a proof-of-concept trial (2022) Singler K, Masuch J, Lim S, Habboub B, Gosch M Journal article COVID-19 pandemic and mortality in nursing homes across USA and Europe up to October 2021 (2022) Aalto UL, Pitkälä KH, Andersen-Ranberg K, Bonin-Guillaume S, Cruz-Jentoft AJ, Eriksdotter M, Gordon AL, et al. Journal article Providing care for older adults in the Emergency Department: expert clinical recommendations from the European Task Force on Geriatric Emergency Medicine (2021) Lucke JA, Mooijaart SP, Heeren P, Singler K, Mcnamara R, Gilbert T, Nickel CH, et al. Journal article 75/w mit Antriebsverlust, nächtlicher Unruhe und leichter Desorientiertheit (2021) Polidori MC, Singler K Journal article Communication during the COVID-19 pandemic: evaluation study on self-perceived competences and views of health care professionals (2021) Schloegl M, Singler K, Martinez-Velilla N, Jan S, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Roller-Wirnsberger RE, Attier-Zmudka J, et al. Journal article An unusual "delirium screening" (2021) Singler K, Masuch J Journal article