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Derya Baran
List of publications:
Institute Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology (i-MEET) (i-MEET)
Sonderforschungsbereich 953/3 Synthetische Kohlenstoffallotrope
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Filters (inactive)
Critical review of the molecular design progress in non-fullerene electron acceptors towards commercially viable organic solar cells. (2018)
Wadsworth A, Moser M, Marks A, Little MS, Gasparini N, Brabec C, Baran D, Mcculloch I
Journal article, Review article
Photovoltaic limitations of BODIPY:fullerene based bulk heterojunction solar cells (2017)
Baran D, Tuladhar S, Economopoulos SP, Neophytou M, Savva A, Itskos G, Othonos A, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Nanoscale Morphology of PTB7 Based Organic Photovoltaics as a Function of Fullerene Size (2016)
Roehling JD, Baran D, Sit J, Kassar T, Ameri T, Unruh T, Brabec C, Moule AJ
Journal article, Original article
Overcoming the Interface Losses in Planar Heterojunction Perovskite-Based Solar Cells (2016)
Hou Y, Chen W, Baran D, Stubhan T, Luechinger NA, Hartmeier B, Richter M, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Role of Polymer Fractionation in Energetic Losses and Charge Carrier Lifetimes of Polymer: Fullerene Solar Cells (2015)
Baran D, Vezie MS, Gasparini N, Deledalle F, Yao J, Schroeder BC, Bronstein H, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Facile synthesis and photovoltaic applications of a new alkylated bismethano fullerene as electron acceptor for high open circuit voltage solar cells (2015)
Baran D, Erten-Ela S, Kratzer A, Ameri T, Brabec C, Hirsch A
Journal article, Original article
Synthesis and photovoltaic effect in red/near-infrared absorbing A-D-A-D-A-type oligothiophenes containing benzothiadiazole and thienothiadiazole central units (2015)
Luponosov YN, Min J, Khanin DA, Baran D, Pisarev SA, Peregudova SM, Dmitryakov PV, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Photophysics of Molecular-Weight-Induced Losses in Indacenodithienothiophene-Based Solar Cells (2015)
Gasparini N, Katsouras A, Prodromidis MI, Avgeropoulos A, Baran D, Salvador MF, Fladischer S, et al.
Journal article
Fully Solution-Processing Route toward Highly Transparent Polymer Solar Cells (2014)
Guo F, Kubis P, Stubhan T, Li N, Baran D, Przybilla T, Spiecker E, et al.
Journal article
Effects of oligothiophene π-bridge length on physical and photovoltaic properties of star-shaped molecules for bulk heterojunction solar cells (2014)
Min J, Luponosov YN, Baran D, Chvalun SN, Shcherbina MA, Bakirov AV, Dmitryakov PV, et al.
Journal article