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Dr. Johannes Veh
List of publications:
Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center (NHR@FAU)
Lehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik (Astroteilchenphysik)
Professur für Experimentalphysik
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Journal article
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Constraints on the Intergalactic Magnetic Field Using Fermi-LAT and H.E.S.S. Blazar Observations (2023)
Aharonian F, Aschersleben J, Backes M, Martins VB, Batzofin R, Becherini Y, Berge D, et al.
Journal article
A deep spectromorphological study of the γ -ray emission surrounding the young massive stellar cluster Westerlund 1 (2022)
Aharonian F, Ashkar H, Backes M, Martins VB, Becherini Y, Berge D, Bi B, et al.
Journal article
Search for Dark Matter Annihilation Signals in the H.E.S.S. Inner Galaxy Survey (2022)
Abdalla H, Aharonian F, Benkhali FA, Angüner EO, Armand C, Ashkar H, Backes M, et al.
Journal article
A MeerKAT, e-MERLIN, HESS, and Swift search for persistent and transient emission associated with three localized FRBs (2022)
Chibueze JO, Caleb M, Spitler L, Ashkar H, Schüssler F, Stappers BW, Venter C, et al.
Journal article
Evidence for γ-ray emission from the remnant of Kepleras supernova based on deep H.E.S.S. observations (2022)
Aharonian F, Benkhali FA, Angüner EO, Ashkar H, Backes M, Martins VB, Batzofin R, et al.
Journal article
Time-resolved hadronic particle acceleration in the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi (2022)
Aharonian F, Benkhali FA, Anguener EO, Ashkar H, Backes M, Baghmanyan V, Martins VB, et al.
Journal article
Revealing x-ray and gamma ray temporal and spectral similarities in the GRB 190829A afterglow (2021)
Taylor AM, Aharonian F, Romoli C, Khangulyan D, Ruiz-Velasco E, Schüssler F, Zhu SJ, et al.
Journal article
Very high energy gamma-ray emission from two blazars of unknown redshift and upper limits on their distance (2020)
Abdalla H, Adam R, Aharonian F, Benkhali FA, Anguner EO, Arakawa M, Arcaro C, et al.
Journal article
Probing the Magnetic Field in the GW170817 Outflow Using HESS Observations (2020)
Abdalla H, Adam R, Aharonian F, Benkhali FA, Anguner EO, Arakawa M, Arcaro C, et al.
Journal article
HESS detection of very high-energy gamma-ray emission from the quasar PKS 0736+017 (2020)
Abdalla H, Adam R, Aharonian F, Benkhali FA, Anguner EO, Arakawa M, Arcaro C, et al.
Journal article, Original article