Susanne Raab


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Searching for TeV Gamma-Ray Emission from SGR 1935+2154 during Its 2020 X-Ray and Radio Bursting Phase (2021) Abdalla H, Aharonian F, Mitchell A, Spencer S, Benkhali FA, Anguner EO, Arcaro C, et al. Journal article Evidence of 100 TeV gamma-ray emission from HESS J1702-420: A new PeVatron candidate (2021) Abdalla H, Aharonian F, Benkhali FA, Anguner EO, Arcaro C, Armand C, Armstrong T, et al. Journal article, Original article TeV Emission of Galactic Plane Sources with HAWC and HESS (2021) Abdalla H, Mitchell A, Aharonian F, Spencer S, Benkhali FA, Anguner EO, Arcaro C, et al. Journal article Revealing x-ray and gamma ray temporal and spectral similarities in the GRB 190829A afterglow (2021) Taylor AM, Aharonian F, Romoli C, Khangulyan D, Ruiz-Velasco E, Schüssler F, Zhu SJ, et al. Journal article Search for dark matter signals towards a selection of recently detected DES dwarf galaxy satellites of the Milky Way with HESS (2020) Abdallah H, Adam R, Aharonian F, Benkhali FA, Anguner EO, Arakawa M, Arcaro C, et al. Journal article Simultaneous observations of the blazar PKS 2155-304 from ultra-violet to TeV energies (2020) Abdalla H, Adam R, Mitchell A, Aharonian F, Benkhali FA, Anguner EO, Arakawa M, et al. Journal article Very high energy gamma-ray emission from two blazars of unknown redshift and upper limits on their distance (2020) Abdalla H, Adam R, Aharonian F, Benkhali FA, Anguner EO, Arakawa M, Arcaro C, et al. Journal article Probing the Magnetic Field in the GW170817 Outflow Using HESS Observations (2020) Abdalla H, Adam R, Aharonian F, Benkhali FA, Anguner EO, Arakawa M, Arcaro C, et al. Journal article Detection of very-high-energy γ -ray emission from the colliding wind binary η Car with H.E.S.S. (2020) Abdalla H, Adam R, Aharonian F, Benkhali FA, Anguner EO, Arakawa M, Arcaro C, et al. Journal article HESS detection of very high-energy gamma-ray emission from the quasar PKS 0736+017 (2020) Abdalla H, Adam R, Aharonian F, Benkhali FA, Anguner EO, Arakawa M, Arcaro C, et al. Journal article, Original article