Bernhard Stimpel


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Learning with Known Operators reduces Maximum Training Error Bounds. (2019) Maier A, Syben-Leisner C, Stimpel B, Würfl T, Hoffmann M, Schebesch F, Fu W, et al. Journal article Multi-Modal Deep Guided Filtering for Comprehensible Medical Image Processing Supplementary Material (2019) Stimpel B, Syben-Leisner C, Schirrmacher F, Hölter P, Dörfler A, Maier A Journal article Deriving Neural Network Architectures Using Precision Learning: Parallel-to-Fan Beam Conversion (2019) Syben-Leisner C, Stimpel B, Lommen J, Würfl T, Dörfler A, Maier A Conference contribution, Original article U-Net for SPECT Image Denoising (2019) Reymann M, Würfl T, Stimpel B, Ritt P, Cachovan M, Vija AH, Maier A Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster Projection image-to-image translation in hybrid x-ray/MR imaging (2019) Stimpel B, Syben-Leisner C, Würfl T, Breininger K, Lommen J, Dörfler A, Maier A Conference contribution Multi-Modal Super-Resolution with Deep Guided Filtering (2019) Stimpel B, Syben-Leisner C, Schirrmacher F, Dörfler A, Maier A, Hölter P Conference contribution Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Head Motion Using Epipolar Consistency (2019) Preuhs A, Ravikumar N, Manhart M, Stimpel B, Hoppe E, Syben-Leisner C, Kowarschik M, Maier A Conference contribution User Loss A Forced-Choice-Inspired Approach to Train Neural Networks Directly by User Interaction (2019) Zarei S, Stimpel B, Syben-Leisner C, Maier A Conference contribution Fan-to-Parallel Beam Conversion: Deriving Neural Network Architectures Using Precision Learning (2019) Syben-Leisner C, Stimpel B, Lommen J, Würfl T, Dörfler A, Maier A Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture MR-projection imaging with perspective distortion as in X-ray fluoroscopy for interventional X/MR-hybrid applications (2018) Lommen J, Syben-Leisner C, Stimpel B, Bayer S, Nagel AM, Fahrig R, Dörfler A, Maier A Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster
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