Marc Aubreville


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




EXACT: a collaboration toolset for algorithm-aided annotation of images with annotation version control (2021) Marzahl C, Aubreville M, Bertram CA, Maier J, Bergler C, Kröger C, Voigt J, et al. Journal article Influence of Inter-Annotator Variability on Automatic Mitotic Figure Assessment (2021) Wilm F, Bertram CA, Marzahl C, Bartel A, Donovan TA, Assenmacher CA, Becker K, et al. Conference contribution Dataset on Bi- and Multi-nucleated Tumor Cells in Canine Cutaneous Mast Cell Tumors (2021) Bertram CA, Donovan TA, Tecilla M, Bartenschlager F, Fragoso M, Wilm F, Marzahl C, et al. Conference contribution Abstract: Are Fast Labeling Methods Reliable?: A Case Study of Computer-aided Expert Annotations on Microscopy Slides (2021) Marzahl C, Bertram CA, Aubreville M, Petrick A, Weiler K, Gläsel AC, Fragoso M, et al. Conference contribution Abstract: Deep Learning-based Quantification of Pulmonary Hemosiderophages in Cytology Slides (2021) Marzahl C, Aubreville M, Bertram CA, Stayt J, Jasensky AK, Bartenschlager F, Fragoso M, et al. Conference contribution Feasibility of intraoperative assessment of safe surgical margins during laryngectomy with confocal laser endomicroscopy: A pilot study (2021) Sievert M, Oetter N, Aubreville M, Stelzle F, Maier A, Eckstein M, Mantsopoulos K, et al. Journal article Computerized Calculation of Mitotic Count Distribution in Canine Cutaneous Mast Cell Tumor Sections: Mitotic Count Is Area Dependent (2020) Bertram CA, Aubreville M, Gurtner C, Bartel A, Corner SM, Dettwiler M, Kershaw O, et al. Journal article, Original article A completely annotated whole slide image dataset of canine breast cancer to aid human breast cancer research (2020) Aubreville M, Bertram CA, Donovan TA, Marzahl C, Maier A, Klopfleisch R Journal article Deep learning algorithms out-perform veterinary pathologists in detecting the mitotically most active tumor region (2020) Aubreville M, Bertram CA, Marzahl C, Gurtner C, Dettwiler M, Schmidt A, Bartenschlager F, et al. Journal article Deep Learning-Based Quantification of Pulmonary Hemosiderophages in Cytology Slides (2020) Marzahl C, Aubreville M, Bertram CA, Stayt J, Jasensky AK, Bartenschlager F, Fragoso-Garcia M, et al. Journal article
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