Simon Schramm


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Intraoperative Navigation einer Distraktionsverletzung der BWS bei schwersten skoliotischen Veränderungen (2024) Schramm S, Groh J, Krause J, Perl M Journal article Die operative Versorgung einer bimalleolären OSG-Fraktur – Tipps und Tricks (2024) Mayr J, Schramm S, Renner N, Perl M, Palm HG Journal article Treatment and Outcome of Osteoporotic Thoracolumbar Vertebral Fractures With Anterior or Posterior Tension Band Failure (OF 5): Short-Term Results From the Prospective EOFTT Multicenter Study (2023) Osterhoff G, Schenk P, Katscher S, Schnake KJ, Bäumlein M, Zimmermann V, Schmeiser G, et al. Journal article Treatment and Outcome of Osteoporotic Thoracolumbar Vertebral Body Fractures With Deformation of Both Endplates With or Without Posterior Wall Involvement (OF 4): Short-Term Results from the Prospective EOFTT Multicenter Study (2023) Spiegl UJ, Schenk P, Schnake KJ, Ullrich BW, Osterhoff G, Scheyerer MJ, Schmeiser G, et al. Journal article Clinical Evaluation of the Osteoporotic Fracture Treatment Score (OF-Score): Results of the Evaluation of the Osteoporotic Fracture Classification, Treatment Score and Therapy Recommendations (EOFTT) Study (2023) Ullrich BW, Schnake KJ, Schenk P, Katscher S, Bäumlein M, Zimmermann V, Schwarz F, et al. Journal article Is the conservative treatment of sacral insufficiency fractures still up to date? Retrospective clinical observational study in 46 patients (2023) Schramm S, Kopschina C, Gaßmann KG, Fujak A Journal article Georg Schmorl prize of the German spine society (DWG) 2022: current treatment for inpatients with osteoporotic thoracolumbar fractures—results of the EOFTT study (2023) Ullrich BW, Schenk P, Scheyerer MJ, Bäumlein M, Katscher S, Schnake KJ, Zimmermann V, et al. Journal article Innovative 3D-Bildgebung (2023) Groh J, Schramm S, Renner N, Krause J, Perl M Journal article, Review article Dynamic Adhesion Assay for the Functional Analysis of Anti-adhesion Therapies in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (2018) Becker E, Schramm S, Binder MT, Allner C, Wiendl M, Neufert C, Atreya I, et al. Journal article