Dr. rer. biol. hum. Andreas Ackermann


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Comparative study of the McGrath™ videolaryngoscope blades and conventional laryngoscopy efficacy during mechanical chest compressions: Insights from a randomized trial with 90 anesthesiologists on objective and subjective parameters (2024) Golditz T, Schmidt J, Birkholz T, Danzl A, Moritz A, Ackermann A, Irouschek A Journal article Managing One-Lung Ventilation in Tracheostomized Patients: A 6-Year Retrospective Analysis (2024) Golditz T, Schmidt J, Ackermann A, Danzl A, Birkholz T, Sirbu H, Irouschek A Journal article Management of the Expected Difficult Airway with Planned One-Lung Ventilation: A Retrospective Analysis of 44 Cases (2024) Irouschek A, Schmidt J, Ackermann A, Moritz A, Trufa D, Sirbu H, Golditz T Journal article Paediatric and adult soft tissue sarcomas with NTRK1 gene fusions: a subset of spindle cell sarcomas unified by a prominent myopericytic/haemangiopericytic pattern (2016) Haller F, Knopf J, Ackermann A, Bieg M, Kleinheinz K, Schlesner M, Moskalev E, et al. Journal article Adverse airway events in parturient compared with non-parturient patients. Is there a difference? Results from a quality management project (2015) Heinrich S, Irouschek A, Prottengeier J, Ackermann A, Schmidt J Journal article Increased Rate of Poor Laryngoscopic Views in Patients Scheduled for Cardiac Surgery Versus Patients Scheduled for General Surgery: A Propensity Score-Based Analysis of 21,561 Cases (2015) Heinrich S, Ackermann A, Prottengeier J, Castellanos I, Schmidt J, Schüttler J Journal article Comparison of clinical outcome variables in patients with and without etomidate-facilitated anesthesia induction ahead of major cardiac surgery: a retrospective analysis (2014) Heinrich S, Schmidt J, Ackermann A, Moritz A, Harig F, Castellanos I Journal article Incidence and predictors of difficult laryngoscopy in 11,219 pediatric anesthesia procedures (2012) Heinrich S, Birkholz T, Ihmsen H, Irouschek A, Ackermann A, Schmidt J Journal article