Prof. Dr. Gerhard Leuchs


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Quasiclassical approach to the nonlinear Kerr dynamics (2023) Najafabadi MS, Klimov AB, Sánchez-Soto LL, Leuchs G Journal article Integrated Photonics for Quantum Communication on a Cubesat (2023) Pudelko J, Bayraktar Ö, Khan I, Boxleitner W, Petscharnig S, Pacher C, Leuchs G, Marquardt C Conference contribution Sensing Rotations with Multiplane Light Conversion (2023) Eriksson M, Goldberg AZ, Hiekkamäki M, Bouchard F, Rehacek J, Hradil Z, Leuchs G, et al. Journal article Protecting Quantum Modes in Optical Fibers (2023) Butt MA, Roth P, Wong GK, Frosz MH, Sánchez-Soto LL, Anashkina EA, Andrianov AV, et al. Journal article Near single-photon imaging in the shortwave infrared using homodyne detection (2023) Wolley O, Mekhail S, Moreau PA, Gregory T, Gibson G, Leuchs G, Padgett MJ Journal article Physical Mechanisms Underpinning the Vacuum Permittivity (2023) Leuchs G, Hawton M, Sánchez-Soto LL Journal article 3D Nanocomposite with High Aspect Ratio Based on Polyaniline Decorated with Silver NPs: Synthesis and Application as Electrochemical Glucose Sensor (2023) Vasileva AA, Mamonova DV, Mikhailovskii V, Petrov YV, Toropova YG, Kolesnikov IE, Leuchs G, Manshina AA Journal article Local sampling of the SU(1,1) Wigner function (2023) Fabre N, Klimov AB, Leuchs G, Sánchez-Soto LL Journal article Fiber-Optical Sources of Quantum Squeezed Light (2023) Andrianov AV, Kalinin NA, Sorokin AA, Anashkina EA, Leuchs G Journal article Optimizing the generation of polarization squeezed light in nonlinear optical fibers driven by femtosecond pulses (2023) Andrianov AV, Kalinin N, Sorokin AA, Anashkina EA, Sánchez-Soto LL, Corney JF, Leuchs G Journal article