PD Dr. Susanne Wallner


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Person-Centered Data Analysis With Covariates and the R-Package confreq (2021) Stemmler M, Heine JH, Wallner S Journal article Why Do Students Become Cyberbullies? Elucidating the Contributions of Specific Developmental Risks to Cyberbullying (2021) Wallner S, Stemmler M Journal article, Original article Change in Juvenile Offending Versatility Predicted by Individual, Familial, and Environmental Risks (2021) Wallner S, Thomas H, Stemmler M Journal article The Contributions of Propensity, Delinquent Peers, Low Parental Supervision, and Empathy to the Emergence of Antisociality in Childhood and Youth: Testing Developmental Path Models Combining Psychological- and Sociological-Criminological Approaches (2020) Wallner S, Stemmler M, Reinecke J Journal article Devianz und Delinquenz in der Kindheit und Jugend – Neue Ansätze der kriminologischen Forschung (2019) Wallner S, Weiss M, Reinecke J, Stemmler M Edited Volume Der Beitrag von geringer Selbstkontrolle, problematischem Erziehungsverhalten, gewalthaltigen Medien und Peerdevianz zur Vorhersage von Jugenddelinquenz (2018) Sauter K, Wallner S, Stemmler M Journal article, Original article The validity of the Cracow Instrument in the prediction of antisocial development in preschool children: A five-year longitudinal community based study (2018) Wallner S, Lösel F, Stemmler M, Corrado R Journal article, Original article Risikofaktoren für die Entwicklung dissozialen Verhaltens in der Kindheit und Jugend (2018) Stemmler M, Wallner S, Link E Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Prävalenz und Verlauf von Kinder- und Jugenddelinquenz: Ergebnisse des Projekts "Chancen und Risiken im Lebensverlauf (CURL)" (2017) Stemmler M, Wallner S, Weiss M Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Devianz und Delinquenz (2016) Wittenberg J, Wallner S Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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