Prof. Dr. Aline Bozec


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




L-ARGININE REPROGRAMS OSTEOCLAST PURINE METABOLISM AMELIORATING BONE LOSS IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS (2022) Cao S, Song R, Meng X, Kachler K, Fuchs M, Meng X, Li Y, et al. Conference contribution INTESTINAL HIF1 alpha EXPRESSION PROTECTS AGAINST EPITHELIAL CELL DEATH IN ARTHRITIS (2022) Lyu P, Wen J, Stolzer I, Gießl A, Song R, Meng X, Cao S, et al. Conference contribution Non-Invasive Characterization of Experimental Bone Metastasis in Obesity Using Multiparametric MRI and PET/CT (2022) Gregoric G, Gaculenko A, Nagel L, Popp V, Maschauer S, Prante O, Saake M, et al. Journal article Adult alcohol drinking and emotional tone are mediated by neutral sphingomyelinase during development in males (2022) Kalinichenko L, Mühle C, Jia T, Anderheiden F, Datz M, Eberle AL, Eulenburg V, et al. Journal article Estrogen-mediated downregulation of HIF-1 alpha signaling in B lymphocytes influences postmenopausal bone loss (2022) Meng X, Lin Z, Cao S, Janowska I, Sonomoto K, Andreev D, Knab K, et al. Journal article Hypoxia Promotes Neutrophil Survival After Acute Myocardial Infarction (2022) Dölling M, Eckstein M, Singh J, Schoen J, Shan X, Bozec A, Knopf J, et al. Journal article Epigenetic basis of oncogenic-Kras-mediated epithelial-cellular proliferation and plasticity (2022) Kadur Lakshminarasimha Murthy P, Xi R, Arguijo D, Everitt JI, Kocak DD, Kobayashi Y, Bozec A, et al. Journal article Macrophages inhibit Coxiella burnetii by the ACOD1-itaconate pathway for containment of Q fever (2022) Kohl L, Siddique MNAA, Bodendorfer B, Berger R, Preikschat A, Daniel C, Ölke M, et al. Journal article Apremilast inhibits inflammatory osteoclastogenesis (2022) Degboe Y, Sunzini F, Sood S, Bozec A, Sokolova M, Zekovic A, Mcinnes IB, et al. Journal article Anti-inflammatory, but not osteoprotective, effect of the TRAF6/CD40 inhibitor 6877002 in rodent models of local and systemic osteolysis (2022) Marino S, Hannemann N, Bishop RT, Zeng F, Carrasco G, Meurisse S, Li B, et al. Journal article