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Martin Gotterbarm
List of publications:
Lehrstuhl für Werkstoffwissenschaften (Werkstoffkunde und Technologie der Metalle) (WTM)
Zentralinstitut für Neue Materialien und Prozesstechnik
Types of publications
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Journal article
Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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Edited Volume
Edited Volume
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Unpublished / Preprint
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Filters (inactive)
Alternative Approach to Modeling of Nucleation and Remelting in Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing (2023)
Koepf JA, Gotterbarm M, Kumara C, Markl M, Körner C
Journal article
Kornstrukturmodifikation beim Selektiven Elektronenstrahlschmelzen der Nickelbasis-Superlegierung IN718 (2022)
Gotterbarm M
New grain formation by constitutional undercooling due to remelting of segregated microstructures during powder bed fusion (2020)
Rausch A, Gotterbarm M, Pistor J, Markl M, Körner C
Journal article
Small scale testing of IN718 single crystals manufactured by EB-PBF (2020)
Gotterbarm M, Seifi M, Melzer D, Džugan J, Salem AA, Liu ZH, Körner C
Journal article
Fabrication of Single Crystals through a µ-Helix Grain Selection Process during Electron Beam Metal Additive Manufacturing (2020)
Gotterbarm M, Rausch A, Körner C
Journal article
Grain Structure Evolution of Al–Cu Alloys in Powder Bed Fusion with Laser Beam for Excellent Mechanical Properties (2019)
Rasch M, Heberle J, Dechet M, Bartels D, Gotterbarm M, Klein L, Gorunov A, et al.
Journal article
Topology Optimization in Additive Manufacturing Considering the Grain Structure of Inconel 718 using Numerical Homogenization (2018)
Hübner D, Gotterbarm M, Kergaßner A, Köpf J, Pobel C, Markl M, Mergheim J, et al.
Conference contribution
3D multi-layer grain structure simulation of powder bed fusion additive manufacturing (2018)
Köpf J, Gotterbarm M, Markl M, Körner C
Journal article, Original article
Surface recrystallization and its effect on oxidation of superalloy C263 (2017)
Sheng N, Horke K, Meyer A, Gotterbarm M, Rettig R, Singer R
Journal article, Original article
Innovative processing strategies for selective electron beam melting: Influence of scan line spacings on composition of Ti-6Al-4V and microstructure of IN718 (2016)
Pobel C, Gotterbarm M, Samfaß V, Osmanlic F, Körner C
Conference contribution