PD Dr. Christian Herglotz


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Compression of Preprocessed Automotive Radar Data by Using Context-Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (2024) Rückert R, Li Y, Herglotz C, Sura O, Kaup A, Vossiek M Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Decoding Energy Optimization for Video Coding Using Model-Driven Gradient Descent (2024) Herglotz C, Kränzler M, Xu B, Kaup A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution A Comprehensive Review of Software and Hardware Energy Efficiency of Video Decoders (2024) Kränzler M, Herglotz C, Kaup A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Complexity Metrics for VVC Decoder Power Reduction in Green Metadata (2024) Herglotz C, Kränzler M, Dai R, Kaup A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Data Compression for Close-Range Radar Imaging (2024) Rückert R, Ullmann I, Vossiek M, Kaup A, Herglotz C Journal article, Original article Encoding Time and Energy Model for SVT-AV1 based on Video Complexity (2024) Eichermüller L, Chaudhari G, Katsavounidis I, Lei Z, Tmar H, Herglotz C, Kaup A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Modeling the Energy Consumption of the HEVC Software Encoding Process using Processor Events (2024) Ramasubbu G, Kaup A, Herglotz C Conference contribution, Conference Contribution SVT-AV1 Encoding Bitrate Estimation Using Motion Search Information (2024) Eichermüller L, Chaudhari G, Katsavounidis I, Lei Z, Tmar H, Herglotz C, Kaup A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Towards Video Codec Performance Evaluation: A Rate-Energy-Distortion Perspective (2024) Ramasubbu G, Kaup A, Herglotz C Conference contribution, Conference Contribution The Bjøntegaard Bible - Why your Way of Comparing Video Codecs May Be Wrong (2024) Herglotz C, Och H, Meyer A, Ramasubbu G, Eichermüller L, Kränzler M, Brand F, et al. Journal article, Original article