Prof. Dr. Dorothee Volkert


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Oral nutrition interventions in hospitalised older people at nutritional risk: a network meta-analysis of individual participant data (2022) Kiesswetter E, Stadelmaier J, Grummich K, Schwarzer G, Bongaerts B, Meerpohl JJ, Norman K, et al. Journal article Frailty in Nursing Homes—A Prospective Study Comparing the FRAIL-NH and the Clinical Frailty Scale (2022) Großhauser F, Schöne D, Kiesswetter E, Sieber C, Volkert D Journal article Bloody olfaction? Confounding associations of sex and age on the influence of blood parameters and body weight on odor identification performance in healthy adults (2022) Schicker D, Karacan B, Brandl B, Skurk T, Volkert D, Hauner H, Freiherr J Journal article Interactive Case Seminar: "The exciting Case - what would you have done?" with current clinical Issues in Nutritional Medicine in Geriatrics (2022) Volkert D, Wirth R Conference contribution Frailty in Nursing Home Residents - A Comparison of the FRAIL-NH and Clinical Frailty Scale (2022) Großhauser F, Schöne D, Kiesswetter E, Sieber C, Volkert D Conference contribution PROtein enriched MEDiterranean diet to combat undernutrition and promote healthy neuroCOGnitive ageing in older adults: The PROMED-COG consortium project (2022) O'Neill RF, Brennan L, Prinelli F, Sergi G, Trevisan C, De Groot LCPGM, Volkert D, et al. Journal article Association between Habitual Diet and the Postprandial Glucose Response-An Enable Study (2022) Reik A, Brandl B, Schauberger G, Wawro N, Linseisen J, Skurk T, Volkert D, et al. Journal article Recent and current low food intake – prevalence and associated factors in hospital patients from different medical specialities (2022) Böhne SEJ, Hiesmayr M, Sulz I, Tarantino S, Wirth R, Volkert D Journal article Subjective Evaluation and Attention to individual Aspects of a health-promoting Diet in healthy older People (2022) Siebentritt H, Kiesswetter E, Hannink A, Brandl B, Skurk T, Wawro N, Linseisen J, et al. Journal article ESPEN practical guideline: Clinical nutrition and hydration in geriatrics (2022) Volkert D, Beck AM, Cederholm T, Cruz-Jentoft A, Hooper L, Kiesswetter E, Maggio M, et al. Journal article