PD Dr. Roman Soucek


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The first-person effect: A test of the reflection hypothesis (2025) Moser K, Soucek R, Galais N, Paul K, Gunnesch-Luca G Journal article, Original article Promoting psychological resources for coping with problematic media use: Development and evaluation of a training intervention (2025) Sende C, Soucek R, Ebner K Journal article The first-person effect. A reconsideration of two meta-analyses (2024) Moser K, Paul K, Soucek R, Galais N, Eskofier A Journal article, Original article Should the city be for everyone? The relationship between worldviews, ideological attitudes, and the approval of hostile design (2024) Kauff M, Lämmle L, Kroll E, Gehring L, Soucek R, Asbrock F Journal article New ways of working and psychological well-being: Work intensity as a target variable of job resources (2024) Soucek R, Voss AS, Drexler H, Moser K Journal article, Original article Introducing a gamification element in enterprise collaboration platforms: Only a flash in the pan or a lasting effect? (2024) Stojko L, Lin L, Soucek R, Moser K, Koch M Conference contribution, Original article Rethinking the assessment of work intensity – Development and validation of a verbal questionnaire and pictorial scales (2024) Soucek R, Voss AS Journal article Toward a better understanding of self‐regulation promoting interventions: when performance management and job crafting meet (2024) Demerouti E, Roth C, Ebner K, Soucek R, Moser K Journal article, Original article Onboarding - Neue Beschäftigte erfolgreich integrieren (2024) Moser K, Soucek R, Galais N, Roth C Authored book, Monography Resiliente Mitarbeitende (2023) Soucek R Book chapter / Article in edited volumes