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Dr. Tanja Retzer
List of publications:
Lehrstuhl für Katalytische Grenzflächenforschung
Lehrstuhl für Physikalische Chemie II
Professur für Physikalische Chemie
Types of publications
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Journal article
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Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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Filters (inactive)
Catalyst Supraparticles: Tuning the Structure of Spray-Dried Pt/SiO2 Supraparticles via Salt-Based Colloidal Manipulation to Control their Catalytic Performance (2024)
Groppe P, Reichstein J, Carl S, Cuadrado Collados C, Niebuur BJ, Zhang K, Apeleo Zubiri B, et al.
Journal article
Molecular and Structural Insights into H2 Indicator Supraparticles: Lowering the Limit of Detection by Tuning Incorporated Catalyst Nanoparticles (2023)
Zhang K, Reichstein J, Groppe P, Schötz S, Stockinger N, Libuda J, Mandel K, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Supraparticles for naked‑eye H2 indication and monitoring: improving performance by variation of the catalyst nanoparticles (2023)
Zhang K, Schötz S, Reichstein J, Groppe P, Stockinger N, Wintzheimer S, Mandel K, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Thermal Stability and CO Permeability of [C4C1Pyr][NTf2]/Pd(111) Model SCILLs: from UHV to Ambient Pressure (2023)
Eschenbacher R, Trzeciak S, Schuschke C, Schötz S, Hohner C, Blaumeiser D, Zahn D, et al.
Journal article
Wilkinson-type catalysts in ionic liquids for hydrogenation of small alkenes: understanding and improving catalyst stability (2023)
Kratzer E, Schötz S, Maisel S, Blaumeiser D, Khan Antara S, Ewald L, Dotzel D, et al.
Journal article
Improving the Performance of Supported Ionic Liquid Phase Catalysts for the Ultra-Low-Temperature Water Gas Shift Reaction Using Organic Salt Additives (2022)
Wolf P, Wick C, Mehler J, Blaumeiser D, Schötz S, Bauer T, Libuda J, et al.
Journal article
Supraparticles for Bare-Eye H2 Indication and Monitoring: Design, Working Principle, and Molecular Mobility (2022)
Reichstein J, Schötz S, Macht M, Maisel S, Stockinger N, Cuadrado Collados C, Schubert K, et al.
Journal article, Online publication
Metal-Support Interaction and Charge Distribution in Ceria-Supported Au Particles Exposed to CO (2022)
Bezkrovnyi O, Bruix A, Blaumeiser D, Piliai L, Schötz S, Bauer T, Khalakhan I, et al.
Journal article
Enhancing the feasibility of Pd/C-catalyzed formic acid decomposition for hydrogen generation - catalyst pretreatment, deactivation, and regeneration (2021)
Kosider A, Blaumeiser D, Schötz S, Preuster P, Bösmann A, Wasserscheid P, Libuda J, Bauer T
Journal article
Interaction between Ionic Liquids and a Pt(111) Surface Probed by Coadsorbed CO as a Test Molecule (2021)
Eschenbacher R, Schuschke C, Bühlmeyer H, Taccardi N, Wasserscheid P, Bauer T, Xu T, Libuda J
Journal article