Dr. Robert Burlacu


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Solving AC Optimal Power Flow with Discrete Decisions to Global Optimality (2023) Aigner KM, Burlacu R, Liers F, Martin A Journal article, Original article A Computational Study for Piecewise Linear Relaxations of Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs (2023) Braun K, Burlacu R Other publication type An Approximation Algorithm for Optimal Piecewise Linear Interpolations of Bounded Variable Products (2023) Bärmann A, Burlacu R, Hager L, Kutzer K Journal article On Piecewise Linear Approximations of Bilinear Terms: Structural Comparison of Univariate and Bivariate Mixed-Integer Programming Formulations (2022) Bärmann A, Burlacu R, Hager L, Kleinert T Journal article, other On refinement strategies for solving MINLP s by piecewise linear relaxations: a generalized red refinement (2021) Burlacu R Journal article On Refinement Strategies for Solving MINLPs by Piecewise Linear Relaxations: A Generalized Red Refinement (2021) Burlacu R Other publication type Global optimization of batch and steady-state recycling chromatography based on the equilibrium model (2020) Dienstbier J, Schmölder J, Burlacu R, Liers F, Kaspereit M Journal article, Original article Combining Automated Measurement-Based Cost Modeling With Static Worst-Case Execution-Time and Energy-Consumption Analyses (2019) Sieh V, Burlacu R, Hönig T, Janker H, Raffeck P, Wägemann P, Schröder-Preikschat W Journal article Maximizing the storage capacity of gas networks: a global MINLP approach (2019) Burlacu R, Egger H, Gross M, Martin A, Pfetsch ME, Schewe L, Sirvent M, Skutella M Journal article Solving mixed-integer nonlinear programmes using adaptively refined mixed-integer linear programmes (2019) Burlacu R, Geiβler B, Schewe L Journal article