Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Weigel
2023: Best Paper Award "Integrated System-on-Module for Design-Space Exploration of Spiking Neural Networks"
IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS 2023)
Moamen El-Masry, Taher Kourany, Rex Kho, Thilo We…
2022: Verdienstkreuz 1. Klasse des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Robert Weigel
2022: Bundesverdienstkreuz
Robert Weigel
2020: 2020 IEEE Microwave Career Award
IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S)
Robert Weigel
2019: 5G World Forum Best Paper Award
IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum and IEEE 4th 5G Summit Dresden
Patrick Gröschel, Markus Hehn, Erik Sippel, Rober…
2019: RWW Student Paper Competition, 2nd place
IEEE Radio and Wireless Week
Radu Ciocoveanu, Robert Weigel, Amelie Marietta H…
2019: Radio Wireless Week Student Paper Competition, 1st Place
Stefan Erhardt, Robert Weigel, Alexander Kölpin
2018: Best Paper Award - "An acoustic emmission sensor system for thin layer crack detection"
European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis
Marianne Unterreitmeier, Oliver Nagler, Lothar Pf…
2018: ITG-Fellow
Informationstechnischen Gesellschaft (ITG) im VDE
Robert Weigel
2018: EuMA Distinguished Service Award 2018
European Microwave Association (EuMA)
Robert Weigel