Johannes Margraf


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Screening Supramolecular Interactions between Carbon Nanodots and Porphyrins (2018) Cadranel A, Strauß V, Margraf J, Winterfeld K, Vogl C, Dordevic L, Arcudi F, et al. Journal article Directional Charge-Carrier Transport in Oriented Benzodithiophene Covalent Organic Framework Thin Films (2017) Medina DD, Petrus ML, Jumabekov AN, Margraf J, Weinberger S, Rotter JM, Clark T, Bein T Journal article Synchronized Offset Stacking: A Concept for Growing Large-Domain and Highly Crystalline 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks (2016) Auras F, Ascherl L, Haldmioun AH, Margraf J, Hanusch FC, Reuter S, Bessinger D, et al. Journal article Molecular docking sites designed for the generation of highly crystalline covalent organic frameworks (2016) Ascherl L, Sick T, Margraf J, Lapidus SH, Calik M, Hettstedt C, Karaghiosoff K, et al. Journal article Using carbon nanodots as inexpensive and environmentally friendly sensitizers in mesoscopic solar cells (2016) Margraf J, Lodermeyer F, Strauß V, Haines P, Walter J, Peukert W, Costa RD, et al. Journal article, Original article From benzodithiophene to diethoxy-benzodithiophene covalent organic frameworks-structural investigations (2016) Lohse MS, Rotter JM, Margraf J, Werner V, Becker M, Herbert S, Knochel P, et al. Journal article, Original article Carbon Nanodots: Supramolecular Electron Donor-Acceptor Hybrids Featuring Perylenediimides (2015) Strauß V, Margraf J, Dirian K, Syrgiannis Z, Prato M, Wessendorf C, Hirsch A, et al. Journal article The Electronic Structure of Amorphous Carbon Nanodots (2015) Margraf J, Strauß V, Guldi DM, Clark T Journal article Template-Dependent Photochemical Reactivity of Molecular Metal Oxides (2015) Tucher J, Peuntinger K, Margraf J, Clark T, Guldi DM, Streb C Journal article EMPIRE: a highly parallel semiempirical molecular orbital program: 2: periodic boundary conditions (2015) Margraf J, Hennemann M, Meyer B, Clark T Journal article
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