Prof. Dr. Michael Döllinger


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




OpenHSV: an open platform for laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy (2021) Kist A, Dürr S, Schützenberger A, Döllinger M Journal article Clinical characterization of respiratory large droplet production during common airway procedures using high-speed imaging (2021) Müller SK, Veltrup R, Jakubaß B, Kniesburges S, Hübner M, Kempfle JS, Dittrich S, et al. Journal article The mechanisms of harmonic sound generation during phonation: A multi-modal measurement-based approach (2021) Lodermeyer A, Mohamadi Bagheri E, Kniesburges S, Näger C, Probst J, Döllinger M, Becker S Journal article, Original article Effects of surgical masks on aerosol dispersion in professional singing (2021) Kniesburges S, Schlegel P, Peters G, Westphalen C, Jakubaß B, Veltrup R, Kist A, et al. Journal article Special issue on computational methods and engineering solutions to voice ii (2021) Döllinger M Journal article Are source-filter interactions detectable in classical singing during vowel glides? (2021) Echternach M, Herbst CT, Köberlein M, Story B, Döllinger M, Gellrich D Journal article A deep learning enhanced novel software tool for laryngeal dynamics analysis (2021) Kist A, Gómez P, Dubrovskiy D, Schlegel P, Kunduk M, Echternach M, Patel R, et al. Journal article, Original article Aerosol Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: Inhalation as well as Exhalation Matters for COVID-19 Reply (2021) Echternach M, Westphalen C, Koeberlein MC, Gantner S, Peters G, Benthaus T, Jakubaß B, et al. Journal article, Letter Human laryngeal mucus from the vocal folds: Rheological characterization by particle tracking microrheology and oscillatory shear rheology (2021) Peters G, Wendler O, Böhringer D, Gostian AO, Müller S, Canziani H, Hesse N, et al. Journal article 3D-FV-FE Aeroacoustic Larynx Model for Investigation of Functional Based Voice Disorders (2021) Falk S, Kniesburges S, Schoder S, Jakubaß B, Maurerlehner P, Echternach M, Kaltenbacher M, Döllinger M Journal article