Felix Czwielong

Picture of Felix Czwielong


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




A Finite-Element-Simulation Workflow and First Results of the Aero- and Vibro-Acoustic Signature of an Enclosed Centrifugal Fan (2024) Heidegger P, Czwielong F, Schoder S, Becker S, Kaltenbacher M Conference contribution Development of a Didactic Demonstrator for Aeroacoustic Evaluations of Ducts (2024) Schode S, Boysen J, Mayrhofer D, Kraxberger F, Heidegger P, Wurzinger A, Czwielong F, Maurerlehner P Conference contribution Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics of Leading Edge Serration in Low-Speed Axial Fans With Forward Skewed Blades (2024) Tieghi L, Czwielong F, Barnabei VF, Ocker C, Delibra G, Becker S, Corsini A Journal article Silencers in Flow Ducts using Double-Layer MPA (2024) Berchtenbreiter B, Grützner D, Czwielong F, Becker S Conference contribution Boundary layer measurements of the flow along a streamwise-oriented circular cylinder using particle tracking velocimetry (2023) Näger C, Wachter F, Lienhart H, Czwielong F, Riedel J, Becker S Journal article, Original article Development of a test rig for the investigation of flow-induced mechanisms of sound generation at radial fans (2023) Uffinger T, Czwielong F, Renz A, Heidegger P, Schoder S, Kaltenbacher M, Becker S Journal article Active Turbulence Grid-Controlled Inflow Turbulence and Replication of Heat Exchanger Flow Fields in Fan Applications (2023) Czwielong F, Becker S Journal article Machine-Learning Clustering Methods Applied to Detection of Noise Sources in Low-Speed Axial Fan (2023) Tieghi L, Becker S, Corsini A, Delibra G, Schoder S, Czwielong F Journal article ON THE AEROACOUSTIC PROPERTIES OF A PRANDTL-FAN (2023) Czwielong F, Benz J, Ocker C, Renz A, Sedlmajer M, Merkel M, Becker S Conference contribution AERODYNAMICS AND AEROACOUSTICS OF LEADING EDGE SERRATION IN LOW-SPEED AXIAL FANS WITH FORWARD SKEWED BLADES (2023) Tieghi L, Czwielong F, Barnabei VF, Ocker C, Delibra G, Becker S, Corsini A Conference contribution