Simon Schöll


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Cell Culture Monitoring with Novel Bright Field Miniature Microscopy Prototypes (2016) Schöll S Thesis Unsupervised unstained cell detection by SIFT keypoint clustering and self-labeling algorithm. (2014) Muallal F, Schöll S, Sommerfeldt B, Maier A, Steidl S, Buchholz R, Hornegger J Conference contribution Image Preprocessing Pipeline for Bright-Field Miniature Live Cell Microscopy Prototypes (2014) Schöll S, Mualla F, Sommerfeldt B, Steidl S, Maier A Conference contribution Epithelial Cell Detection in Endomicroscopy Images of the Vocal Folds (2014) Mualla F, Schöll S, Bohr C, Neumann H, Maier A Conference contribution Influence of the phase effect on gradient-based and statistics-based focus measures in bright field microscopy (2014) Schöll S, Mualla F, Sommerfeldt B, Steidl S, Maier A, Buchholz R, Hornegger J Journal article STXM goes 3D: Digital reconstruction of focal stacks as novel approach towards confocal soft x-ray microscopy (2014) Späth A, Schöll S, Riess C, Schmidtel D, Paradossi G, Raabe J, Hornegger J, Fink R Journal article, Original article Using the Low-Pass Monogenic Signal Framework for Cell/Background Classification on Multiple Cell Lines in Bright-Field Microscope Images (2014) Mualla F, Schöll S, Sommerfeldt B, Maier A, Steidl S, Buchholz R, Hornegger J Journal article Unsupervised Unstained Cell Detection by SIFT Keypoint Clustering and Self-labeling Algorithm (2014) Mualla F, Schöll S, Sommerfeldt B, Maier A, Steidl S, Buchholz R, Hornegger J Conference contribution, Original article Improving Joint Learning of Suspended and Adherent Cell Detection Using Low-Pass Monogenic Phase and Transport of Intensity Equation (2014) Mualla F, Schöll S, Sommerfeldt B, Steidl S, Buchholz R, Hornegger J Conference contribution, Original article Automatic Cell Detection in Bright-Field Microscope Images Using SIFT, Random Forests, and Hierarchical Clustering (2013) Mualla F, Schöll S, Sommerfeldt B, Maier A, Hornegger J Journal article, Original article