Jens Barth


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The OnHW Dataset: Online Handwriting Recognition from IMU-Enhanced Ballpoint Pens with Machine Learning (2020) Ott F, Wehbi M, Hamann T, Barth J, Eskofier B, Mutschler C Journal article Mobile Stride Length Estimation with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. (2018) Hannink J, Kautz T, Pasluosta CF, Barth J, Schülein S, Gaßmann KG, Klucken J, Eskofier B Journal article Thigh-Derived Inertial Sensor Metrics to Assess the Sit-to-Stand and Stand-to-Sit Transitions in the Timed Up and Go (TUG) Task for Quantifying Mobility Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis (2018) Witchel HJ, Oberndorfer C, Needham R, Healy A, Westling CE, Guppy JH, Bush J, et al. Journal article Sensor-based gait analysis of individualized improvement during apomorphine titration in Parkinson's disease (2018) Marxreiter F, Gaßner H, Borozdina O, Barth J, Kohl Z, Schlachetzki J, Thun-Hohenstein C, et al. Journal article Wearable sensors objectively measure gait parameters in Parkinson's disease (2017) Schlachetzki J, Barth J, Marxreiter F, Goßler J, Kohl Z, Reinfelder S, Gaßner H, et al. Journal article Wearable sensors provide objective gait parameters correlating to clinical scores in Parkinson’s disease (2016) Gaßner H, Schlachetzki J, Marxreiter F, Kohl Z, Barth J, Goßler J, Reinfelder S, et al. Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Inertial Sensor based Gait Analysis Discriminates Subjects with and without Visual Impairment Caused by Simulated Macular Degeneration (2016) Kanzler CM, Barth J, Klucken J, Eskofier B Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Timed Up-and-Go phase segmentation in Parkinson's disease patients using unobtrusive inertial sensors (2015) Hauer R, Eskofier B, Barth J, Klucken J, Reinfelder S, Klucken J Journal article Postural Instability Inference in Parkinson's Disease Patients Using Wearable Sensors (2015) Pasluosta CF, Barth J, Gaßner H, Winkler J, Klucken J, Eskofier B Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Wearable Static Posturography Solution Using a Novel Pressure Sensor Sole (2014) Reinfelder S, Durlak F, Barth J, Klucken J, Eskofier B Conference contribution