Dr. Annika Frahsa


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Physical Inactivity and Health Promotion: Evidence and Challenges (2013) Rütten A, Abu-Omar K, Frahsa A, Gelius P Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Integrated Planning of Sport Development (2013) Rütten A, Frahsa A, Gelius P Journal article, Original article Enabling the powerful? Participatory action research with local policymakers and professionals for physical activity promotion with women in difficult life situations (2012) Frahsa A, Rütten A, Röger U, Abu-Omar K, Schow D Journal article, Original article Qualitätsmanagement zur Verbesserung von Bewegungsverhältnissen in der Gesundheitsförderung. (2012) Rütten A, Frahsa A Journal article, Original article Bewegung als Investition in Gesundheit – Das BIG-Projekt: Bewegungsangebote, günstig und wohnortnah von Frauen für Frauen (2012) Frahsa A, Klement U, Majzik Z, Wolff AR, Rütten A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Bewegungsförderung bei sozial Benachteiligten. (2012) Frahsa A, Abu-Omar K, Rütten A Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Memorandum zur Präventionsforschung –- Themenfelder und Methoden (2012) Walter U, Nöcker G, Plaumann M, Linden S, Pott E, Koch U, Pawils S, et al. Journal article, Original article Movement as Investment for Health: Integrated evaluation in participatory physical activity promotionamong women in difficult life situations (2011) Rütten A, Abu-Omar K, Frahsa A, Wolff AR Journal article, Original article Proposed European Guidelines. Improving Infrastructures for Leisure-Time Physical Activity in the Local Arena Towards Social Equity, Inter-sectoral Collaboration and Participation. (2011) Rütten A, Frahsa A, Engbers L, Suomi K, Kolb M Authored book, other Differences in individual empowerment outcomes of socially disadvantaged women: effects of mode of participation and structural changes in a physical activity promotion program (2011) Röger U, Rütten A, Frahsa A, Abu-Omar K, Morgan A Journal article, Original article
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