Dr. Aristidis Protopsaltis


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The NEMESIS Social Innovation Learning Platform (2020) Protopsaltis A, Copado Mejías J, Schorer A, Garefi I, Kalemaki I Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Assessing the impact of Social Innovation Education on student’s engagement (2020) Garefi I, Kalemaki I, Protopsaltis A Conference contribution, Original article Effects of Serious Games and game-based learning on learners' achievement emotions (2020) Schorer A, Protopsaltis A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution The NEMESIS Social Innovation Open Learning Platform: An Evaluation (2019) Protopsaltis A, Copado Mejías J, Garefi I, Kalemaki I, Kantsiou S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Overcoming the impact of parental gender bias and parents’ previous experiences on STEM teaching (2019) Kikis-Papadakis K, Chaimala F, Protopsaltis A, Schorer A, Nikolova N, Firssova O, Barajas M, Salamon E Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Towards a learning framework for Social Innovation Education (2019) Kalemaki I, Garefi I, Kantsiou S, Diego I, Protopsaltis A, Wall J Conference contribution, Original article The NEMESIS Social Innovation Open Learning Platform: An Evaluation (2019) Protopsaltis A, Copado Mejías J, Garefi I, Kalemaki I, Kantsiou S Conference contribution, Original article Attain Cultural Integration through teachers' Conflict Resolution skills Development: The ACCORD Project (2019) Marocco D, Dell'Aquila E, Zurlo MC, Vallone F, Barajas M, Frossard F, Di Ferdinando A, et al. Journal article Quiz Cube: An AR mobile learning application (2016) Protopsaltis A, Mentzelopoulos M, Ferguson J, Kaloyan K Conference contribution Perceptual User Interface Framework for Immersive Information Retrieval Environments: An Experimental Framework for Testing and Rapid Iteration (2016) Mentzelopoulos M, Ferguson J, Protopsaltis A Journal article, Original article