Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Friedrich

Picture of Oliver Friedrich


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




High-content method for mechanosignaling studies using IsoStretcher technology and quantitative Ca2+ imaging applied to Piezo1 in cardiac HL-1 cells (2024) Merten AL, Schöler U, Guo Y, Linsenmeier F, Martinac B, Friedrich O, Schürmann S Journal article Characterization of two different alginate-based bioinks and the influence of melanoma growth within (2024) Schipka R, Heltmann-Meyer S, Schneidereit D, Friedrich O, Röder J, Boccaccini AR, Schrüfer S, et al. Journal article Levosimendan’s Effects on Length-Dependent Activation in Murine Fast-Twitch Skeletal Muscle (2024) Haug M, Michael M, Ritter P, Kovbasyuk L, Vazakidou ME, Friedrich O Journal article Effects of Adjuvant Exercise and Nutrition Therapy on Muscle Fibre Biomechanics in Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients (2024) Haug M, Schwappacher R, Pollmann C, Ritter P, Michael M, Herrmann HJ, Grützmann R, et al. Journal article Access to Artemisinin-Triazole Antimalarials via Organo-Click Reaction: High In Vitro/In Vivo Activity against Multi-Drug-Resistant Malaria Parasites (2024) Herrmann L, Leidenberger M, Quadros HC, Grau B, Hampel F, Friedrich O, Moreira DR, et al. Journal article Tensorial tomographic Fourier ptychography with applications to muscle tissue imaging (2024) Xu S, Yang X, Ritter P, Dai X, Lee KC, Kreiß L, Zhou KC, et al. Journal article A novel modular opto-biomechatronics bioreactor for simultaneous isotropic mechanical stretch application and fluorescence microscopy under cell and tissue culture conditions (2024) Merten AL, Schöler U, Lesko C, Kreiß L, Schneidereit D, Linsenmeier F, Stolz A, et al. Journal article Digital staining in optical microscopy using deep learning - a review (2023) Kreiss L, Jiang S, Li X, Xu S, Zhou KC, Lee KC, Mühlberg A, et al. Journal article, Review article A fluorescence-based opto-mechatronic screening module (OMSM) for automated 3D cell culture workflows (2023) Kahl M, Schneidereit D, Meinert C, Bock N, Hutmacher DW, Friedrich O Journal article, Original article 3D printing of piezoelectric and bioactive barium titanate-bioactive glass scaffolds for bone tissue engineering (2023) Polley C, Distler T, Scheufler C, Detsch R, Lund H, Springer A, Schneidereit D, et al. Journal article, Original article