Christian Gröschel


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




High Speed Forming of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics (2020) Mattner T, Popp J, Kleffel T, Gröschel C, Drummer D Journal article, Original article Investigating the in-plane mechanical behavior of single-ply quasi-unidirectional glass fiber/polypropylene composites (2017) Zhai Z, Gröschel C, Drummer D Journal article, Original article Forming of thermoplastic matrix composites with gas pressure - the influence of blank holder and sheet temperature on the forming pressure and drawing ratio (2017) Gröschel C, Drummer D Journal article, Original article Influence of mold temperature and process time on the degree of cure of epoxy-based materials for thermoset injection molding and prepreg compression molding (2017) Deringer T, Gröschel C, Drummer D Journal article Tensile behavior of quasi-unidirectional glass fiber/polypropylene composites at room and elevated temperatures (2016) Zhai Z, Gröschel C, Drummer D Journal article, Original article Novel process enables more uniform wall thickness in formed composites (2016) Gröschel C, Drummer D Journal article Eliminating weld-seam weakness (2016) Drummer D, Gröschel C, Zhao Y Journal article, Original article Wall thickness distribution of continuous glass fiber reinforced polyamide 6 composite parts formed by gas pressure (2015) Gröschel C, Drummer D Conference contribution A new process chain for joining sheet metal to fibre composite sheets (2014) Plettke R, Schaub A, Gröschel C, Scheitler CJ, Heinle M, Ranft F, Merklein M, et al. Conference contribution Großvolumige Organoblech-Hohlkörperstrukturen in einem Schuss (2014) Linn C, Hoffmann L, Gröschel C, Drummer D Journal article