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Dr. med. Sven-Martin Schlaffer
List of publications:
Einrichtungen, die zum Universitätsklinikum Erlangen gehören
Department of Neurosurgery
Lehrstuhl für Neurochirurgie
Types of publications
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Journal article
Journal article
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Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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Edited Volume
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Filters (inactive)
Chronic hearing loss turns out being a calcified chondroid mesenchymal neoplasm with FN1::FGFR2 fusion (2024)
Bauerschmitz L, Agaimy A, Eckstein M, Balk M, Iro H, Schleder S, Schlaffer SM, Gostian AO
Journal article
Can Perfusion-Based Brain Tissue Oxygenation MRI Support the Understanding of Cerebral Abscesses In Vivo? (2023)
Knott M, Hölter P, Soder L, Schlaffer SM, Hoffmanns S, Lang R, Dörfler A, Schmidt M
Journal article
Improved Detection of Cavernous Sinus Invasion of Pituitary Macroadenomas with Ultra-High-Field 7 T MRI (2023)
Eisenhut F, Schmidt M, Buchfelder M, Dörfler A, Schlaffer SM
Journal article
Ultra-High-Field 7 T Magnetic Resonance Imaging Including Dynamic and Static Contrast-Enhanced T1-Weighted Imaging Improves Detection of Secreting Pituitary Microadenomas (2022)
Eisenhut F, Schlaffer SM, Hock S, Heynold E, Kremenevski N, Blümcke I, Buchfelder M, et al.
Journal article
Clinical Evaluation of an Innovative Metal-Artifact-Reduction Algorithm in FD-CT Angiography in Cerebral Aneurysms Treated by Endovascular Coiling or Surgical Clipping (2022)
Eisenhut F, Schmidt M, Kalik A, Struffert T, Feulner J, Schlaffer SM, Manhart M, et al.
Journal article
A Whole-Slide Image Managing Library Based on Fastai for Deep Learning in the Context of Histopathology: Two Use-Cases Explained (2022)
Neuner C, Coras R, Blümcke I, Popp A, Schlaffer SM, Wirries A, Buchfelder M, Jabari S
Journal article
Case Report: Consecutive Adrenal Cushing’s Syndrome and Cushing’s Disease in a Patient With Somatic CTNNB1, USP8, and NR3C1 Mutations (2021)
Detomas M, Altieri B, Schlötelburg W, Appenzeller S, Schlaffer SM, Coras R, Schirbel A, et al.
Journal article
Tolvaptan Versus Fluid Restriction in the Treatment of Hyponatremia Resulting from SIADH Following Pituitary Surgery (2020)
Kleindienst A, Georgiev S, Schlaffer SM, Buchfelder M
Journal article
Efficacy of Temozolomide Therapy in Patients With Aggressive Pituitary Adenomas and Carcinomas -A German Survey (2020)
Elbelt U, Schlaffer SM, Buchfelder M, Knappe UJ, Vila G, Micko A, Deutschbein T, et al.
Journal article, Review article
Skull Base Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas (2020)
Kremenevski N, Schlaffer SM, Coras R, Kinfe TM, Graillon T, Buchfelder M
Journal article, Review article