Dr. med. Bernt Popp


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Common RUNX3 missense variant contributes to psoriatic arthritis by affecting splicing and modifying signaling, activation and differentiation of T-cells (2020) Hüffmeier U, Löhr S, Uebe S, Popp B, Bowes J, Kirchner P, Giardina E, et al. Conference contribution Breast MRI texture analysis for prediction of BRCA-associated genetic risk (2020) Vasileiou G, Costa MJ, Long C, Wetzler I, Hoyer J, Kraus C, Popp B, et al. Journal article Differential Coassembly of α1-GABAARs Associated with Epileptic Encephalopathy (2020) Hannan S, Affandi AHB, Minere M, Jones C, Goh P, Warnes G, Popp B, et al. Journal article Genetic and phenotypic spectrum associated with IFIH1 gain-of-function (2020) Rice G, Park S, Gavazzi F, Adang LA, Ayuk LA, Van Eyck L, Seabra L, et al. Journal article New insights into the clinical and molecular spectrum of the novel CYFIP2-related neurodevelopmental disorder and impairment of the WRC-mediated actin dynamics (2020) Begemann A, Sticht H, Begtrup A, Vitobello A, Faivre L, Banka S, Alhaddad B, et al. Journal article Targeted sequencing of FH-deficient uterine leiomyomas reveals biallelic inactivating somatic fumarase variants and allows characterization of missense variants (2020) Popp B, Erber R, Kraus C, Vasileiou G, Hoyer J, Burghaus S, Hartmann A, et al. Journal article Prenatal diagnosis of HNF1B-associated renal cysts: Is there a need to differentiate intragenic variants from 17q12 microdeletion syndrome? (2019) Vasileiou G, Hoyer J, Thiel C, Schaefer JT, Zapke M, Krumbiegel M, Kraus C, et al. Journal article Exploring the phenotypical spectrum of BRD4 defects (2019) Hauer N, Vogl C, Popp B, Buettner C, Uebe S, Sticht H, Ekici AB, et al. Conference contribution Mutations in the BAF-complex subunit DPF2 are associated with Coffin-Siris syndrome (2019) Vasileiou G, Vergarajauregui S, Endele S, Popp B, Büttner C, Ekici AB, Gerard M, et al. Conference contribution Identification of novel candidate genes for idiopathic short stature using whole exome sequencing (2019) Thiel C, Hauer N, Vogl C, Ahmadian R, Dhandapany PS, Popp B, Buettner C, et al. Conference contribution
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