Dr. rer. biol. hum. Tim Liebscher


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Illness perceptions in cochlear implant users – a longitudinal study (2024) Lehmann E, Heinze-Köhler K, Glaubitz C, Liebscher T, Engler M, Hoppe U Journal article Frühe Sprachleistungen im Fragebogen ELFRA: Auswertung multizentrischer Daten von Kindern nach bilateraler Cochleaimplantatversorgung (2024) Glaubitz C, Beck R, Liebscher T, Aschendorff A, Kreibohm-Strauß K, Kronesser D, Seebens Y, et al. Journal article Associations between illness perceptions, word recognition, and perceived sound quality in cochlear implant users (2024) Lehmann E, Glaubitz C, Heinze-Köhler K, Liebscher T, Hoppe U Journal article Electrically evoked compound action potentials in cochlear implant users with preoperative residual hearing (2023) Liebscher T, Hornung J, Hoppe U Journal article Association between lateral wall electrode array insertion parameters and audiological outcomes in bilateral cochlear implantation (2022) Thimsen V, Mantsopoulos K, Liebscher T, Taha L, Eisenhut F, Iro H, Hoppe U, Hornung J Journal article Children with cochlear implant and additional disabilities benefit from consistent device use (2022) Glaubitz C, Liebscher T, Hoppe U Journal article Evaluation of a Transimpedance Matrix Algorithm to Detect Anomalous Cochlear Implant Electrode Position (2022) Hoppe U, Brademann G, Stöver T, Ramos De Miguel A, Cowan R, Manrique M, Falcón-González JC, et al. Journal article Age-related language performance and device use in children with very early bilateral cochlear implantation (2021) Glaubitz C, Liebscher T, Hoppe U Journal article Fluctuation in electrical hearing in a Morbus Meniere's patient (2021) Hast A, Meßbacher ME, Liebscher T, Hornung J, Hoppe U Journal article Impact of CI use and CI fitting on speech production in very early cochlear-implanted infants Bedeutung von CI-Nutzungsverhalten und CI-Anpassung für sprachproduktive Leistungen sehr früh cochleaimplantierter Kinder (2020) Glaubitz C, Liebscher T, Hoppe U Journal article