Forschungsinstitut für Nachhaltigkeit / Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS)

Research facility

Location: Potsdam, Germany (DE) DE



Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Anticipating socio-technical tipping points (2024) Mey F, Mangalagiu D, Lilliestam J Journal article, Original article Cross-technology legitimacy feedback: The politics of policy-led innovation for complementarity in concentrating solar power (2024) Thonig R, Lilliestam J Journal article Visions for our future regional electricity system: Citizen preferences in four EU countries (2024) Mey F, Lilliestam J, Wolf I, Tröndle T Journal article How the COVID-19 pandemic changed stakeholder engagement processes in sustainability research in the long-term (2024) Süsser D, Schibline A, Ceglarz A, Lilliestam J, Stavrakas V, Schweizer PJ Journal article What determines local attitudes towards Jordan’s renewable energy transition? Evidence from household surveys (2024) Weko S, Schuch E Journal article Green recovery: catalyst for an enhanced EU role in climate and energy policy? (2023) Quitzow R, Bersalli G, Lilliestam J, Prontera A Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Full Project Knowledge Integration Report with Results, Procedures and Recommendations (Deliverable 7.2, TIPPING+ project) (2023) Mangalagiu D, Mey F, Lilliestam J Other publication type Who believes in green growth? Strategic framing and technology leadership in the UNFCCC negotiations (2023) Schmidt L, Apergi M, Eicke L, Weko S Journal article, Original article Resource exporter or R&D champion? Leverage points and transition pathways for the Chilean energy sector (2023) Eicke L, Apergi M, Goldthau A, Kurniawan J, Schuch E, Weko S Journal article, Original article Creating a climate-just Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: Considering impacts on third countries in the scheme’s evaluation (2023) Hermann J, Weko S, Apergi M, Eicke L, Marian A Other publication type, Policy Brief