Hyperfine Research Inc.
Industry / private company
Guilford, CT,
United States (USA) (US)
Systematic evaluation of iterative deep neural networks for fast parallel MRI reconstruction with sensitivity-weighted coil combination (2021)
Hammernik K, Schlemper J, Qin C, Duan J, Summers RM, Rueckert D
Journal article
Evaluation of the Robustness of Learned MR Image Reconstruction to Systematic Deviations Between Training and Test Data for the Models from the fastMRI Challenge (2021)
Johnson PM, Jeong G, Hammernik K, Schlemper J, Qin C, Duan J, Rueckert D, et al.
Conference contribution
Nonuniform Variational Network: Deep Learning for Accelerated Nonuniform MR Image Reconstruction (2019)
Schlemper J, Salehi SSM, Kundu P, Lazarus C, Dyvorne H, Rueckert D, Sofka M
Conference contribution