Kreiskrankenhaus Bergstraße
Germany (DE)
Effects of high- versus low-intensity lipid-lowering treatment in patients undergoing serial coronary computed tomography angiography: results of the multi-center LOCATE study (2024)
Weichsel L, André F, Renker M, Breitbart P, Overhoff D, Beer M, Giesen A, et al.
Journal article
Comparison of Two Contemporary Quantitative Atherosclerotic Plaque Assessment Tools for Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography: Single-Center Analysis and Multi-Center Patient Cohort Validation (2024)
Weichsel L, Giesen A, André F, Renker M, Baumann S, Breitbart P, Beer M, et al.
Journal article
Das große Verbesserungspotenzial in der multimodalen Basisbehandlung der peripheren arteriellen Verschlusskrankheit (pAVK): ein Aufruf zum flächendeckenden Ausbau der pAVK-Gehtrainingsgruppen in Deutschland (2023)
Dovzhanskiy D, Behrendt CA, Görtz H, Uhl C, Classen S, Marchiori E, Neufang A, et al.
Journal article