National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB)
Public institution / office
Sri Lanka (LK)
Geochemical and isotope characterization of groundwater and assessment of surface water mixing in the coastal karst aquifer basin in northwestern Sri Lanka (2024)
Bandara UGC, Diyabalanage S, Barth J, Chandrajith R
Journal article
Recharging Mechanisms and Seawater Intrusion in Karst Aquifers in Northwest Sri Lanka, Based on Hydrogeochemistry and Water Isotopes (2023)
Bandara UGC, Diyabalanage S, Barth J, Chandrajith R
Journal article
Application of Water Quality Index as a vulnerability indicator to determine seawater intrusion in unconsolidated sedimentary aquifers in a tropical coastal region of Sri Lanka (2022)
Chandrajith R, Bandara UGC, Diyabalanage S, Senaratne S, Barth J
Journal article
Controls of evaporative irrigation return flows in comparison to seawater intrusion in coastal karstic aquifers in northern Sri Lanka: Evidence from solutes and stable isotopes (2016)
Chandrajith R, Diyabalanage S, Premathilake KM, Hanke C, van Geldern R, Barth J
Journal article