Federal Institute For Materials Research and Testing
Public institution / office
Germany (DE)
ISNI: 0000000406035458
ROR: https://ror.org/03x516a66
A 3D-Printed Wound-Healing Material Composed of Alginate Dialdehyde-Gelatin Incorporating Astaxanthin and Borate Bioactive Glass Microparticles (2023)
Monavari M, Homaeigohar S, Medhekar RS, Nawaz Q, Monavari M, Zheng K, Boccaccini AR
Journal article
Characterization data of reference materials used for phase II of the priority program DFG SPP 2005 “Opus Fluidum Futurum – Rheology of reactive, multiscale, multiphase construction materials” (2023)
Pott U, Crasselt C, Fobbe N, Haist M, Heinemann M, Hellmann S, Ivanov D, et al.
Journal article
A 3D Printed Bone Tissue Engineering Scaffold Composed of Alginate Dialdehyde-Gelatine Reinforced by Lysozyme Loaded Cerium Doped Mesoporous Silica-Calcia Nanoparticles (2022)
Monavari M, Medhekar RS, Nawaz Q, Monavari M, Fuentes Chandia MA, Homaeigohar S, Boccaccini AR
Journal article
Assessment of albumin ecm accumulation and inflammation as novel in vivo diagnostic targets for multi-target mr imaging (2021)
Moeckel J, Brangsch J, Reimann C, Kaufmann JO, Sack I, Mangarova DB, Kader A, et al.
Journal article