Microsoft Research Lab UK
Industry / private company
United Kingdom (GB)
ISNI: 000000040503404X
EndBox: Scalable middlebox functions using Client-Side trusted execution (2018)
Goltzsche D, Ruesch S, Nieke M, Vaucher S, Weichbrodt N, Schiavoni V, Aublin PL, et al.
Conference contribution
EndBox: Scalable Middlebox Functions Using Client-Side Trusted Execution (2018)
Goltzsche D, Schwarz-Rüsch S, Nieke M, Vaucher S, Weichbrodt N, Schiavoni V, Aublin PL, et al.
Conference contribution
Unsupervised domain adaptation in brain lesion segmentation with adversarial networks (2017)
Kamnitsas K, Baumgartner C, Ledig C, Newcombe V, Simpson J, Kane A, Menon D, et al.
Conference contribution
DeepMedic for brain tumor segmentation (2016)
Kamnitsas K, Ferrante E, Parisot S, Ledig C, Nori AV, Criminisi A, Rueckert D, Glocker B
Conference contribution
Model-based tracking at 300hz using raw time-of-flight observations (2015)
Stuehmer J, Nowozin S, Fitzgibbon A, Szeliski R, Perry T, Acharya S, Cremers D, Shotton J
Conference contribution
Decoding the regulatory network of early blood development from single-cell gene expression measurements (2015)
Moignard V, Woodhouse S, Haghverdi L, Lilly AJ, Tanaka Y, Wilkinson AC, Buettner F, et al.
Journal article
Interventional tool tracking using discrete optimization (2013)
Heibel H, Glocker B, Groher M, Pfister M, Navab N
Journal article