EAFIT University
University / College
Colombia (CO)
ISNI: 0000000099894956
ROR: 03y3y9v44
A Quantitative Provenance Analysis (QPA) Approach to Quantify Controls on Sediment Generation and Sediment Flux in the Upper Reaches of the Magdalena River (Colombia): 2. Lithological Control on Contribution to Silt‐ to Clay‐Sized Fractions (2024)
Liedel S, Caracciolo L, Beltrán‐Triviño A, Restrepo JC, Restrepo Ángel JD, Szczerba M
Journal article
A Quantitative Provenance Analysis (QPA) Approach to Quantify Controls on Sediment Generation and Sediment Flux in the Upper Reaches of the Magdalena River (Colombia): 1. Natural and Anthropic Controls on the Sand Fraction (2024)
Liedel S, Caracciolo L, Restrepo JC, Weltje GJ, Lucà F, Beltrán‐Triviño A, Restrepo Ángel JD
Journal article
Climatic, depositional and environmental controls on early carbonate cementation in fluvial and shallow marine sandstones (2023)
Janßen M, Caracciolo L, Bonnell LM, Lander RH, Munnecke A, Beltrán-Triviño A, Muto F, Stollhofen H
Journal article