Central Mining Institute / Główny Instytut Górnictwa (GIG)
Research facility
Poland (PL)
ISNI: 0000 0004 0621 9732
ROR: https://ror.org/0367ap631
Hydrogen intensified synthesis processes to valorise process off-gases in integrated steelworks (2023)
Matino I, Dettori S, Conde AS, Colla V, Petrucciani A, Zaccara A, Iannino V, et al.
Journal article
Economic Evaluation of Renewable Hydrogen Integration into Steelworks for the Production of Methanol and Methane (2022)
Bampaou M, Panopoulos K, Seferlis P, Sasiain A, Haag S, Wolf-Zoellner P, Lehner M, et al.
Journal article
Hydrogen role in the valorization of integrated steelworks process off-gases through methane and methanol syntheses (2022)
Matino I, Dettori S, Zaccara A, Petrucciani A, Iannino V, Colla V, Bampaou M, et al.
Journal article