National Radiation Protection Institute / Státní Ústav Radiacní ochrany
Research / Science organisation
Prague / Praha,
Czech Republic (CZ)
ISNI: 0000000092366202
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The 3rd ESTRO-EFOMP core curriculum for medical physics experts in radiotherapy (2022)
Garibaldi C, Essers M, Heijmen B, Bertholet J, Koutsouveli E, Schwarz M, Bert C, et al.
Journal article
A generic curriculum development model for the biomedical physics component of the educational and training programmes of the non-physics healthcare professions (2021)
Caruana CJ, Karenauskaite V, Mornstein V, Vano E, Pace E, Lammertsma AA, Maas AJ, et al.
Journal article