AiCuris GmbH & Co. KG
Industry / private company
Germany (DE)
ISNI: 0000000406432656
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Exploring the Human Cytomegalovirus Core Nuclear Egress Complex as a Novel Antiviral Target: A New Type of Small Molecule Inhibitors (2021)
Alkhashrom S, Kicuntod J, Häge S, Schweininger J, Muller Y, Lischka P, Marschall M, Eichler J
Journal article
Properties of Oligomeric Interaction of the Cytomegalovirus Core Nuclear Egress Complex (NEC) and Its Sensitivity to an NEC Inhibitory Small Molecule (2021)
Kicuntod J, Alkhashrom S, Häge S, Diewald B, Müller R, Hahn F, Lischka P, et al.
Journal article
Definitions of resistant and refractory cytomegalovirus infection and disease in transplant recipients for use in clinical trials (2019)
Chemaly RF, Chou S, Einsele H, Griffiths P, Avery R, Razonable RR, Mullane KM, et al.
Journal article