Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Industry / private company
Cambridge, MA,
United States (USA) (US)
ISNI: 000000404102266
Heregulin (HRG) assessment for clinical trial eligibility testing in a molecular registry (PRAEGNANT) in Germany (2020)
Hübner H, Kurbacher CM, Kuesters G, Hartkopf AD, Lux MP, Huober J, Volz B, et al.
Journal article
Use of a molecular Registry (PRAEGNANT) for Patient-Selection and Biomarker-Analysis for the SHERBOC Study (2020)
Hübner H, Kurbacher C, Kuesters G, Hartkopf AD, Lux MP, Huober J, Volz B, et al.
Conference contribution
Model based targeting of IL-6-induced inflammatory responses in cultured primary hepatocytes to improve application of the JAK inhibitor ruxolitinib (2017)
Sobotta S, Raue A, Huang X, Vanlier J, Juenger A, Bohl S, Albrecht U, et al.
Journal article
CERENA: ChEmical REaction network analyzer-a toolbox for the simulation and analysis of stochastic chemical kinetics (2016)
Kazeroonian A, Froehlich F, Raue A, Theis FJ, Hasenauer J
Journal article
Data2Dynamics: A modeling environment tailored to parameter estimation in dynamical systems (2015)
Raue A, Steiert B, Schelker M, Kreutz C, Maiwald T, Hass H, Vanlier J, et al.
Journal article
Lessons Learned from Quantitative Dynamical Modeling in Systems Biology (2013)
Raue A, Schilling M, Bachmann J, Matteson A, Schelke M, Kaschek D, Hug S, et al.
Journal article