Fujian Normal University / 福建师范大学
University / College
China (CN)
ISNI: 0000000092712478
ROR: https://ror.org/020azk594
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Deciphering the transfer of hydroclimate signals to tree-ring δ18O using a proxy system model in East Asia's Meiyu region (2024)
Zhao Y, Lu H, Fang K, Zhang P, Chen D, Bräuning A, Grießinger J, et al.
Journal article
Inter-annual and intra-annual tree-ring oxygen isotope signals in response to monsoon rainfall in northwestern Thailand (2022)
Preechamart S, Pumijumnong N, Bräuning A, Muangsong C, Cai B, Buajan S
Journal article
Tree-ring oxygen isotope chronology of teak log coffins in northwestern Thailand and its relationship with Pacific Decadal Oscillation and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (2021)
Preechamart S, Pumijumnong N, Bräuning A, Muangsong C, Cai B, Payomrat P, Buajan S, et al.
Journal article