University of Venda
University / College
South Africa (ZA)
ISNI: 0000000406103705
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Molecular archaeology of human cognitive traits (2022)
Kaczanowska J, Ganglberger F, Chernomor O, Kargl D, Galik B, Heß A, Moodley Y, et al.
Journal article
Helicobacter pylori’s historical journey through Siberia and the Americas (2021)
Moodley Y, Brunelli A, Ghirotto S, Klyubin A, Maady AS, Tyne W, Muñoz-Ramirez ZY, et al.
Journal article
Characterisation of worldwide Helicobacter pylori strains reveals genetic conservation and essentiality of serine protease HtrA (2016)
Tegtmeyer N, Moodley Y, Yamaoka Y, Pernitzsch SR, Schmidt V, Traverso FR, Schmidt TP, et al.
Journal article