Universidad Mayor
University / College
Santiago de Chile,
Chile (CL)
ISNI: 0000000404878785
ROR: https://ror.org/00pn44t17
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Two Nothofagus Species in Southernmost South America Are Recording Divergent Climate Signals (2022)
Soto Rogel P, Carlos Aravena J, Villalba R, Bringas C, Meier W, Gonzalez-Reyes A, Grießinger J
Journal article
Tropical tree growth driven by dry-season climate variability (2022)
Zuidema PA, Babst F, Groenendijk P, Trouet V, Abiyu A, Acuña-Soto R, Adenesky-Filho E, et al.
Journal article
First-principles identification of single photon emitters based on carbon clusters in hexagonal boron nitride (2021)
Jara C, Rauch T, Botti S, Marques MAL, Norambuena A, Coto R, Castellanos-Aguila JE, et al.
Journal article
Impact of extreme weather events on aboveground net primary productivity and sheep production in the magellan region, southernmost chilean patagonia (2020)
Soto-Rogel P, Aravena JC, Meier W, Gross P, Pérez C, González-Reyes Á, Grießinger J
Journal article