Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (IQIM)
Research facility
Pasadena, CA,
United States (USA) (US)
Boundary theories of critical matchgate tensor networks (2022)
Jahn A, Gluza M, Verhoeven C, Singh S, Eisert J
Journal article
Topological phonon transport in an optomechanical system (2021)
Ren H, Shah T, Pfeifer H, Brendel C, Peano V, Marquardt F, Painter O
Conference contribution
Time-energy uncertainty relation for noisy quantum metrology (2021)
Faist P, Woods MP, Albert VV, Renes JM, Eisert J, Preskill J
Conference contribution
Single sideband microwave to optical photon conversion-an electro-optic realization (2017)
Rueda A, Sedlmeir F, Collodo M, Vogl U, Stiller B, Schunk G, Strekalov DV, et al.
Conference contribution
Efficient single sideband microwave to optical conversion using a LiNbO3 WGM-resonator (2016)
Rueda A, Sedlmeir F, Collodo M, Vogl U, Stiller B, Schunk G, Strekalov DV, et al.
Conference contribution
Nonlinear single sideband microwave to optical conversion using an electro-optic WGM-resonator (2016)
Rueda A, Sedlmeir F, Collodo M, Vogl U, Stiller B, Schunk G, Strekalov DV, et al.
Conference contribution