Fränkische Rohrwerke Gebr. Kirchner GmbH & Co. KG
Industry / private company
Königsberg i. Bayern,
Germany (DE)
Thermal stabilization of polypropylene by renewable antioxidants (2023)
Kröner R, Kaschta J, Heiduk I, Dorfmüller D, Falk M, Schubert DW
Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster
Characterization of polyethylene of raised temperature resistance (PE-RT) materials - a mini review and insights (2023)
Schneider N, Kaschta J, Heiduk I, Schubert DW
Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster
Quality Monitoring of PE-X Semi-Finished Products (2015)
Heiduk I, Falk M, Schubert DW, Kaschta J
Journal article, Review article