Parkinson-Klinik Ortenau


Location: Wolfach, Ortenau, Germany (DE) DE



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A Short Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Quality of Life Scale (2024) Jensen I, Stiel S, Bebermeier S, Schrag A, Greten S, Doll-Lee J, Wegner F, et al. Journal article The comorbidity and co-medication profile of patients with progressive supranuclear palsy (2023) Greten S, Wegner F, Jensen I, Krey L, Rogozinski S, Fehring M, Heine J, et al. Journal article Clinical benefit of MAO-B and COMT inhibition in Parkinson’s disease: practical considerations (2023) Regensburger M, Ip CW, Kohl Z, Schrader C, Urban PP, Kassubek J, Jost WH Journal article, Review article Treadmill training and physiotherapy similarly improve dual task gait performance: a randomized-controlled trial in Parkinson's disease (2022) Gaßner H, Trutt E, Seifferth S, Friedrich J, Zucker D, Salhani Z, Adler W, et al. Journal article Life style and Parkinson's disease (2022) Reichmann H, Csoti I, Koschel J, Lorenzl S, Schrader C, Winkler J, Wuellner U Journal article, Review article Empfehlung zum differenzierten Einsatz nuklearmedizinischer Diagnostik bei Parkinson-Syndromen (2020) van Eimeren T, Claßen J, Drzezga A, Eggers C, Hilker-Roggendorf R, Klucken J, Koschel J, et al. Journal article Die Geschichte des ‚Freezing-of-gait‘ beim Parkinson-Syndrom – vom Phänomen zum Symptom (2020) Klucken J, Winkler J, Krüger R, Jost W Journal article Hypersalivation: update of the German S2k guideline (AWMF) in short form (2019) Steffen A, Jost W, Bäumer T, Beutner D, Degenkolb-Weyers S, Groß M, Grosheva M, et al. Journal article, Review article α-Synuclein in Parkinson’s disease: causal or bystander? (2019) Riederer P, Berg D, Casadei N, Cheng F, Classen J, Dresel C, Jost W, et al. Journal article, Review article